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Various problems in the production process of backpack webbing


A knot is a prominent warp Backpack webbing Formed into knots on the surface.

Thickness means that some parts of a backpack ribbon are thick and some are thin, and some parts may be loose or tight.

The discount order is divided into two orders for one item number. Add three parts and two parts together. The colorful backpack webbing woven by the computer is washed without dyeing, and is boiled almost once. If there is a peculiar smell, or a bad smell, the tape has a smell.

Hairling means that a small fiber on the yarn, namely F, is partially broken.

The hemming means that the weft locks the belt and the edge is concave.

The buds are fallen, and the flowers on the edge of the buds are not beautiful.

Wet belts are belts that have water ingress. They can be dried and dried with an electric bucket or an electric blower. Goods A, B, C, D and E are goods of different grades.

For elastic belts, the tight side will protrude, while the loose side will sink in, while the inelastic belt will protrude loosely, while the tight side will sink in.

Waves rise and fall like waves.

 Backpack webbing

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