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How to select screen for binding webbing printing


quite a lot Selvedge webbing Printing In mass production of silk screen products, ribbon printing and ribbon printing processing, attention should be paid to printing issues. Screen is the basis of screen printing, and selecting appropriate screen is an indispensable link. As printing processing and screen printing have a very wide range of applications, there are many factors related to them. When selecting screen, different printing screens should be selected according to the specific situation and printing requirements. Generally, the following different perspectives can be considered when selecting screen.

According to the price of binding ribbon printing and printing PP ribbon The type of substrate is screen. When selecting, it shall be selected and used according to fiber fabric, paper products, glass, ceramics, metal, plastic, wood products, electronic products, etc.

Different screen inks have different adaptability according to the nature of printing ink slurry. Therefore, when selecting the screen, factors such as the drying time and color brightness of the ink, and the ink absorption capacity of the substrate should be considered.

The material and physical properties of the screen itself shall be considered when selecting the screen according to the screen material and performance for printing, and the corresponding screen shall be selected as the material for printing according to different suitability.

The screen shall be selected according to the requirements of the printing ribbon. The selection shall take into account the printing speed, printing pressure, printing plate resistance and substrate absorption.

 Selvedge webbing

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