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What are the differences between "polyester material" and "nylon material" of backpack webbing


"Polyester material" and "nylon material" are both Backpack webbing The difference between the two commonly used materials for production customization is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

 Backpack webbing price

1. Different in feel

Polyester material has a rough feel, while nylon material has a soft and smooth feel. In addition, you can use nails to scrape. After the nails are scraped, the obvious traces are tapers, and the unobvious traces are Heat shrinkable webbing Nylon.

2. Different performance after combustion

After burning, the polyester emits strong black smoke, the nylon emits white smoke, and the residue after burning. The polyester will be crushed when pinched, and the nylon will be molded! The price of nylon is twice that of polyester. Nylon quickly shrinks near the flame and melts into a white jelly. It burns in the flame and drips and bubbles. There is no flame when burning, and it is difficult to continue burning without the flame, emitting a celery smell. After cooling, the light brown melt is not easy to grind. Polyester is easy to ignite, and it will melt and shrink when it is near the flame. When burning, it will emit black smoke while melting, showing a yellow flame and emitting a fragrant smell. After burning, the ash will be a dark brown hard lump, which can be twisted with fingers.

3. Difference in heat resistance.

The melting point of polyester filament is 260 ℃, and the ironing temperature can be 180 ℃. The heat resistance of nylon filament is not good enough Polyester lining belt The temperature should be controlled below 140 ℃, with good low-temperature resistance, high nylon strength, good elastic recovery, excellent abrasion resistance, moisture absorption and dyeing properties better than polyester yarn.

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