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The method and process of how to dye backpack webbing


   Backpack webbing There are two primary methods for colouring. One is to apply it to a wide range of dyeing (conventional dyeing), and the first is to put the backpack webbing in a chemical dye solution. The other method is to use paint to make the paint into tiny insoluble colored particles to stick to the fabric (dyeing of fibrous material stock solution is not included).

1. Acid dyes are mostly suitable for protein fiber, nylon fiber and silk. It is characterized by beautiful color, poor washing degree and excellent dry cleaning degree. It is widely used in natural dead dyeing.

2. Direct dyes, suitable for cellulosic fabrics, have poor washing fastness and different light fastness, but the modified direct dyes will improve their washing color.

3. Disperse dyes are suitable for viscose, acrylic, nylon, polyester, etc. The fastness to washing is different, polyester is better, and viscose is worse.

4. Azo fuel (Naftol dye) is suitable for cellulosic fabrics. It has beautiful color and is more suitable for beautiful color and luster.

5. Sulfide dyes are suitable for cellulosic fiber fabrics. They are dull in color, mainly dark blue, black and brown. They are good in light resistance and water washing resistance, and poor in chlorine bleaching resistance. Long term storage of the fabric will damage the fibers.

 Backpack webbing

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