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Guangwei Textiles Teaches You How to Guess the Front and the Back of Backpack Ribbon


Some Backpack webbing It is difficult to identify the front and the back of the book because of its special style. Now, how can Dandong Guangwei Textile teach you to identify the front and back of the ribbon? In fact, we can identify it by the pattern of the ribbon, the front of the pattern is clear and clean, the pattern lines are obvious, the pattern is layered, and the color is bright.

1. Generally, the patterns on the front of the backpack webbing are clearer and more beautiful than those on the back.

2. The front pattern of plant and color matching patterned fabrics with striped appearance must be clear and pleasing. This pattern is especially obvious when weaving jacquard belts

3. The convex and concave convex fabrics are compact and delicate on the front, with strip or pattern convex patterns, and rough on the back, with long floating lines.

4. Wool fabric: single side woolen fabric, with the pile side being the front side of the fabric. For double-sided fleece fabric, the front side shall be the smooth and tidy side.

5. Observe the selvage of the fabric: if the selvage is smooth, the neat side is the front side of the fabric.

6. For double-layer, multi-layer and multiple fabrics, if the warp and weft density of the front and the back is different, the front side has a larger density or the front side has better raw materials.

 Backpack webbing

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