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How to test the tensile safety of pp webbing


Unused PP fabric from knitting production line is called original PP ribbon The strength, width, thickness, elongation and rigidity described above are all measured on the pp webbing, and the data measured on the pp webbing are called the pp webbing data. The safety belt installed in the car should be worn by the passengers after they get on the car. The use process is the aging process of the pp webbing, and its strength will decline. In order to make the webbing effectively protect the passengers before the vehicle is scrapped, the strength of the webbing shall be measured after simulating the working conditions. This strength is called the strength of pp webbing after the environmental test. After the environmental test, the strength includes light treatment, low temperature treatment, high temperature treatment, immersion test and wear treatment.

The tensile strength after light treatment, natural light shines on the luggage webbing through the window, causing the aging of pp webbing and reducing its strength. According to the working conditions, a lighting equipment is designed, which is equipped with representative strong light and is exposed to the light for a specified time. After lighting, pp webbing needs to be subjected to standard temperature and humidity treatment, and then to tensile test to obtain the tensile strength after lighting treatment. PP webbing wholesale After soaking, the tensile strength of the safety belt installed in the car will absorb moisture in the air, and sometimes it will be soaked in some liquid, so the pp webbing needs to be soaked in water. At room temperature, completely immerse the pp webbing in distilled water with a small amount of wetting agent for a specified period of time, and then take the soaked pp webbing out of the water to complete the tensile test within 10 minutes. The tensile strength of soaked pp webbing was obtained.

 PP ribbon

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